Girls and Guns

So i decided to draw something different for a change. i guess the change isn’t very noticeable since i’ve posted no illustrations on here yet, but here’s a first. it’s also a first of this subject matter. I’ve never really drawn girls in gas masks and big guns before. I’ve taken photos of them, but this is different. it feels kind of TankGirl-y. i dunno, you tell me what you think. it’s obviously’s a bit too tight for my liking. not in terms of linework, i drew it on the bus, this is in no way a tight line drawing, but the figures themselves seem a bit more static than i’d like them to be. this whole lack of life drawing classes thing is taking a larger toll than i imagined.

at any rate, expect more explorations. maybe i can show this to Rick on friday for an opinion? he’s honest enough that i can feel like i’ve learnt something when he talks. we’ll see. hopefully this is the beginning of lots more drawings. my blog is looking sparse.